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Thursday, October 23, 2008
Devotion: Novena Prayer to your Patron Saint

Painting by Fra AngelicoThe solemnity of All Saints is November 1st. In preparation for this feast, here is a novena to your patron saint.

Novena Prayer to your Patron Saint
Novena Dates October 24 - November 1, Feast Day November 1

Great Saint (name of Patron Saint), at my Baptism you were chosen as a guardian and witness of my obligations, and under your name, I then became an adopted child of God, and solemnly renounced Satan, his works, and his empty promises. Assist me by your powerful intercession in the fulfillment of these sacred promises. You also made them in the days of your earthly pilgrimage, and your fidelity in keeping them to the end has obtained for you an everlasting reward in heaven.

I am called to the same happiness that you enjoy. The same help is offered to me that enabled you to acquire eternal glory. You overcame temptations like those that I experience.

Pray for me, therefore, my Holy Patron, so that, being inspired by your example and assisted by your prayers, I may live a holy life, die a happy death, and reach eternal life to praise and thank God in heaven with you.

I ask you to pray to God for this special request if it be God's holy Will: (Mention your request).


Almighty, eternal God, You were pleased to make Your Church illustrious through the varied splendor of the Saints. As we venerate their memory may we also follow such shining examples of virtue on earth and thus obtain merited crowns in heaven. We ask this though Christ our Lord. Amen.

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