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Thursday, December 4, 2008
Church History: Advent, Part 2

Jeremiah - fresco at the Sistine ChapelThe season of Advent begins on November 30th.

The first reference to the celebration of Advent occurs in the 6th century. Prior to this time, there were celebrations and fasts resembling our current Advent season. St. Hilary of Poitiers (d. AD 367) and the Spanish Council of Saragossa (AD 380) spoke of a three week fast before Epiphany. Pope St. Leo the Great preached on "the fast of the tenth month (i.e. December)." The Gelasian Sacramentary (AD 750) provided liturgical material for the five Sundays before Christmas as well as Wednesdays and Fridays. The Western Church eventually settled on 4 Sundays of Advent, which has the season beginning at the very end of November or the very beginning of December, starting immediately after Ordinary Time. Until the 12th century, in many geographical areas, Advent had a more festive tone, and white vestments were still occasionally used. However, Advent became more closely related to Lent as Christ's second coming became more and more a prominent Advent theme, as especially seen in the seventh century Bobbio Missal. Advent proper is unknown in the East, although the Eastern Churches have a long fast before Christmas. This fast lasts longer than the Western Advent season and begins in mid-November. Advent, or the Eastern equivalent fast, is celebrated in all Catholic and Orthodox Churches.

During the Reformation, many Protestants attacked or de-emphasized many Christian holy days and seasons, disconnecting Protestantism from the rhythms of the Church Year. However, some Reformation churches, like the Anglicans, retained Advent. Possibly because of the liturgical movement or maybe as a reaction to the excesses of secular Christmas values, celebrating Advent has become more popular in non-Catholic and non-Orthodox churches. Lutherans, Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians, and even many evangelical groups have incorporated Advent into their worship service to varying degrees. However, many Protestant churches have fallen short of celebrating the true meaning of Advent, treating the season as more of an early extension of Christmas. As non-Catholics and non-Orthodox begin to rediscover the Church year, Advent (like Lent) is one of the first results, flowing naturally from churches looking to fill in the gaps around Christmas and Easter.

From ChurchYear.Net

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