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Saturday, September 27, 2008
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

A 6th century icon of en:Jesus at St. Katherine's Monastery on Mt. Sinai. The image depicts Jesus Christ with two different looks on His face: One is of a loving man, and the other is a fearful judge.Sunday's Readings:

Ezekiel 18:25-28
Psalm 25:4-9
Philippians 2:1-11
Matthew 21:28-32

In this Sunday's Gospel from the Gospel of Matthew, our Lord tells the parable of the two sons. Both sons are asked by their father to work in the vineyard that day. The first son refuses. He later changes his mind and goes to work in the vineyard. The second son obediently replies to his father that he will go to work in the vineyard, but he does not actually go to work.

Jesus makes it clear to his audience that the first son is similar to the tax collectors and sinners who repented in response to John the Baptist's preaching. They changed their minds, turned from sin, and turned God. They began to work in the vineyard. The religious leaders whom our Lord is addressing are ones who have only paid lip service to God's call to work in His Kingdom. They have said "Yes" with their mouths, but their hearts and hands have spoken a much louder, "No".

However, in this parable, Jesus seems to be addressing all of us in order that we will be sure to have our actions back up our words. He makes it clear that it is not enough to promise to follow Him. We must actually follow through and follow Him in our life today.
Here are a few commentaries on these readings:



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